There was a boy who thought the world is large enough to have everyone in it.
Who thought bathing in rain cleans your soul.
Who thought even devils cannot harm you if you are in your mother's embrace.
Who thought that why roads are curved when straight line is the shortest distance.
Who thought that the world is a place with full of love.
Who thought forest is the place where you can be lost.
Who thought two people are bound only because of love.
Who thought that smile means happiness.
Then he grew up.
And realized that in this world only those survive who fit in.
That people can die in rains.
That sometimes you have to embrace your mother to save her.
That even though the shortest distance is a straight line but sometimes you have to take a long route.
That world is not ONLY filled with love.
That sometimes you yourself want to get lost in a forest.
That people are bound not only because of love.
That smile does not always mean happiness.
There was a boy who was at the right place at the wrong time and wrong place at the right time.
O boy, there was a boy. :)