I am thankful:
For Huge number of BHAIYA'S(brothers) as it shows me how easily we can make stong bonds and relationships. My count of brothers is more than my count of friends.
For Sami bhaiya for taking care of me and cooking a nice dinner.
For A sweet little girl for showing me the side of love I've only heard of, as it tells me even if there is no love, there are people who are nice and care for you.
And it also tells me that every person has their own way of loving.
For work, which challenges me each and every day and let me believe that I can do better.
For hope, which tells me there is a better tomorrow.
For the empty window seat in bus, which tells me someone is still watching you, I am not alone.
For the internet, with which I was able to create a world of my own.
To be continued...
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