With the time like this when every Indian is in shock. I can think of nothing to write. These days are really traumatic for every person who are going through terrorism. Whom to blame, whom not to. what can be done and how? these questions will hover in every person's mind for a long time. Wounds will stop bleeding but they will take a long time to heal. When such things happen, you get afraid of loosing. Well I am!!! So I thought of many things these days and one was what will happen if I go. I know this sounds negative but being a human I can't stop my mind to think weird things. So here is what I thought about my will.
1. My mobile and laptop: :) they have already been taken care of by a thief and since I don’t love my new mobile so I don’t care who takes it.
2. My diary: My diary has many secrets of mine. Some of them I don’t want to just vanish. So it will go to M. To M since she is the 1 who can respect the emotions bound with the words I’ve written there. Although I know she won’t understand a bit but still she will respect it thinking it is something important.
3. My orkut and Gmail account: Since no one has the password so I think it’ll be safe. Please stop writing scraps because I don’t want comments if you do not feel anything. Just read the poem in about me and leave immediately.
4. My photo album: Give it to M again and let her decide what to do with it.
5. Rest: Please burn down everything else. I don’t want anyone to keep any other thing of mine and feel bad. Be happy celebrate being alive. Happiness is what I long for. :)
6. Confessions: M:- Be happy always. Everything changes with time. Live with the character you have. Don’t let others change you. That is what I want.
Bean:- Your hysterical laugh is amazing, with your PJs. I hope you won’t mind if I have a huge crush on you sometime :P.
B:- I was always sorry for what I did but I always hoped you’ll understand why I did what I did :). By the way I am really happy with the change in your life.
K:- Tu mera sabse accha aur mazedar dost hai. He he he. Keep rolling.
P.S. : Sorry again if the blog is too negative. But this blog is just the outcome of loneliness that a guy feels on weekends with the outrage for what happened in Mumbai. Its just imagination. So dont’t frown.
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